The Very Bright & Merry

It’s Wednesday, and I think we all need a cocktail. Especially a festive, holidazie one.

Lovely photos courtesy of very sarie.


To make one cocktail:

-3 dashes cardamom bitters

-1/2 oz. elderflower liqueur

-1/2 oz. cranberry juice

-champagne/sparkling wine of your choice, but the pinker, the better. Like this.

-orange peel

-orange slice

-3 sliced cranberries

-sprig of rosemary

-sugar sprinkles

edible star glitter

Start by mixing about a teaspoon of sugar sprinkles (or large-grained sugar) and about a teaspoon of edible star glitter together and then spread the mixture thinly on a small plate.

Next, take your glass (preferably a champagne coupe), and rub the inside of it with your orange peel. Use the orange slice to wet the entire rim of the glass and then dip the glass into the star/sugar mixture until the glass rim is evenly coated with sparkly awesomeness.

Now: alcohol.

Add your three dashes of bitters to the bottom of the glass, then the elderflower liqueur, then the cranberry juice. Top the glass off with champagne. Add a sprig of rosemary, and a few sliced cranberries to garnish.

Also…a cheeky cocktail napkin is always a good idea. Especially when you are drinking out of a coupe because, frankly, they are so gorgeous but they are tippy as $*#%. It’s okay. Just wear red.

Merry, merry, merry!






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